InJavaScript in Plain EnglishbyRuby ValappilWhy HTTP Dropped TCP and Adopted UDPHTTP/1.1 vs HTTP/2 vs HTTP/3Jul 13, 20227Jul 13, 20227
InJavarevisitedbyRuby ValappilHow to Enable HTTPS in Spring Boot ApplicationWe will use self signed certificates in this tutorialSep 26, 2022Sep 26, 2022
InAWS in Plain EnglishbyRuby ValappilWhat is SFTP? Why is it Used to Transfer Files?As developers, we rarely get to experiment with different networking protocols. It’s pretty likely that the only protocol we have used so…Oct 4, 20221Oct 4, 20221
InLevel Up CodingbyRuby ValappilWhy Cloudflare Abandoned NGINX for PingoraWeb Applications and the Need for SpeedOct 14, 20222Oct 14, 20222
InLevel Up CodingbyRuby ValappilWhat is C10k Problem? Why Should you Care?Factors to consider to improve server performanceOct 23, 20221Oct 23, 20221
Denis AnikinWhat an in-memory database is and how it persists data efficientlyHey guys.Oct 12, 20169Oct 12, 20169
InJavaScript in Plain EnglishbyRuby ValappilHow To Learn Complex Technologies Using A Simple Mind ShiftLet’s See How an HTTP Call Works As An ExampleJan 13, 2022Jan 13, 2022
InNerd For TechbyRuby ValappilFree Hotspots Are Dangerous, Take These Precautions While Using OneFree hotspots are everywhere — in cafes, at railway stations, at airports and so on. Very few users though understand the risks…Jan 7, 2022Jan 7, 2022